photo of two guys in a colorful van in the woods

Ganja White Night: Examining The Wobble Universe, Restoring Hope Through “Unity”

The ability to tell a story is an art form, where fact and fiction produce intellectual ideals, and humans form connections to the world around them. Charlie “Erwan” Dodson and Benjamin “Bamby” Bayeul of Ganja White Night developed the renowned story of ‘Mr. Wobble,; alongside Ebo (a famous Belgium street artist), which cohesively connects to the duo’s signature ‘wobble sound.’

Erwan and Bamby have a rich history with Mr. Wobble that dates back to the 2016 debut of “Wobble Master” and “LFO Requiem” animated music videos. Prior to the release of their latest album, Unity, Mr. Wobble’s saga is meticulously explained through a 13-minute-long animation, known as “Wobble World”. While the story presents inevitable ebbs and flows, this new album is centered around the idea that there is strength in numbers. 

The versatile pair mentioned that Unity felt more natural to produce. The album features more “happy wobbles,” Bamby noted. The feeling of hope in this current body of work is apparent, and having to immerse themselves in the world of Dark Wobble was less strenuous than prior projects.

According to Bamby, there have been unique challenges when trying to progress the Wobble World story. “The goal is to tell the story through the music videos, and thinking in the back of our heads that we have to connect them all together… It wasn’t that easy. We’re pretty comfortable making and judging our music because we’ve learned to trust ourselves through the years, but aligning a story took a lot of energy,” Bamby said. 

Erwan and Bamby acknowledged that combining the story with the music is a team effort. As previously mentioned, an influential piece to this complex puzzle is Ebo. As a talented artist in Belgium, Ebo’s involvement began with the creation of Ganja White Night’s first album cover. 

I remember we poured all of our money to be able to afford his art back then. When we were able to make money again a couple of years later we said, ‘Okay, let’s hire him again,’ because we know he’s super talented. He comes from a really different world, which was the hip-hop scene in Belgium and France… Somehow, we convinced him to join the project and build a story together,” Bamby shared with MP3 MAG. 

Shortly after the duo paired with Ebo, Mr. Wobble’s identity was born. Since the character’s inception, Ganja’s team participates in collaborative brainstorming sessions. The team’s ability to work together is the pillar of the story’s success. “Once we understand each other and how we function, then we can work together,” Erwan noted. 

Understanding the lengthy process of animation ultimately led to the method in which Mr. Wobble is designed. The idea is simplicity. So, no facial expressions, a big body, and simple movements create a linear animation process. 

Apart from animation, the Unity album features collaborations with 10 like-minded artists. Most of these collaborations were created together in the same room, which only enhanced the creation process from a production standpoint. “We learned a couple tricks on Unity, through the collabs. It’s funny because, in the story, we try to connect that with real life things too. Like, I learned a lot creating music with a bunch of new people on the album, and Mr. Wobble learned a lot which gives him the tools to fight dark wobble,” said Bamby. 

After countless hours of devoted work, anxiety surrounding the release of Unity and “Wobble World,” was at an all-time high. Erwan and Bamby stressed the fact that they gave everything into the “Wobble World” video. The team experienced sleepless nights, mostly due to the inescapable fear of the unknown, but this also coincided with excitement. Fortunately, Ganja White Night’s loyal fan base solidified that their hard work had paid off, in a massive way. 

Less than two months after the release of Unity, Ganja White Night celebrated by performing as an Electric Forest headliner on the Tripolee stage. To begin, Erwan and Bamby addressed the eager crowd by sharing that this year’s performance marks four years since they moved to the US, and that Electric Forest is the first place they played after relocating. The sentiment further added to the excitement, allowing the crowd to wobble their way through the next hour in pure Ganja fashion. 

Post performance day, MP3 MAG had the surreal opportunity to take a stroll through Sherwood Forest with Ganja White Night. For context, MP3 staff began the journey by meeting Erwan, Bamby and their team at the vibrantly decorated Volkswagen bus. 

photo of two guys in a colorful van in the woods
Photo of Ganja White Night by Shutterfinger

Upon arrival, they were openly interacting with fans while taking photos. MP3 MAG wandered through part of the forest with Ganja White Night before finding a cozy spot to chat next to The Observatory Stage. The fairy tale-like moment inspired introspective conversation about why Electric Forest is so special.  

The energy in the Forest is really different,” Bamby said. “I can feel it, really… Everyone is so respectful,” Erwan added. “Walking here in the forest and meeting new people, all the art installations, the atmosphere, people being super nice… That’s what makes playing here in the forest super different,” Bamby told MP3 MAG. 

Electric Forest has played a pivotal role in Ganja White Night’s transformative journey as artists. Their first performance at the festival in 2016 marked a significant turning point in their career. Being able to kick start their success at such a revered event is undeniably momentous.

However, their path to success, much like the story of Mr. Wobble, hasn’t been without its challenges. In the early stages, they had to overcome various hardships as partners. The key was placing trust in each other and maintaining unwavering belief. As Erwan aptly puts it, “There’s no giving up.”

As true trailblazers in the immersive world of electronic music, Ganja White Night consistently showcases their poise and ingenuity. Their unique form of self-expression is a testament to their ability to withstand the test of time. They continue to push boundaries, carving a path that leaves a lasting impact on the industry.

In conclusion, Ganja White Night’s artistic journey exemplifies resilience, determination, and a commitment to their craft. They have proven themselves as pioneers, leaving an indelible mark on the evolving landscape of electronic music.


Kahla's passion for EDM began over a decade ago which led to an undeniable talent for music journalism. She strives to bring the scene a fresh take and the newest happenings with her unique writing structure.